Sunday, September 23, 2012


I had a wonderful weekend. We all went apple-picking at the Everett Family Orchard, about 15 minutes from Freddy town. I bought pure honey too that was harvested from the orchard.

Maddy, a beautiful retired racing horse

Having lunch on a child's wagon lol

Beautiful isn't it? I keep complaining about being in this small town. I wanted to be put somewhere closer, better, and bigger. Being a 'city girl', who would have thought that I would end up this way? If I wasn't destined to be here, I'll never realize how much a small place could offer. How green the trees could be. How blue the skies could be. How silence can bring so much good. It's nice, to just sit and look over. Everything we could see, hear, taste and feel, thanks to Allah Al-Khaliq (The Creator) and Al-Hafiz (The Preserver). And to Him everything shall return; Al-Mumit (The Destroyer).

"It's nice being away. I think it's important to get away from where you've grown up for some of your life." - unknown.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mandi garam: Target areas

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm free after 11.30 AM. That's my gym time. On both of these days, I usually just wear sweat pants or dry fit pants, a dri fit sports bra, a t-shirt on top, a sweater, a pair of flip flops and off to school.  I pack my indoor sneakers inside my bag, along with a water bottle, a banana/bar and of course, ear phones. Maybe next time I can start bringing a towel so I can shower at the gym. I know my activities will be restrained when midterms, tests and group projects pile up and I have to stay back on campus. No me gusta.

My target areas are thighs, love handles, and arms. I don't have flat abs so it should be a target area too but I don't do any ab-focused exercises, at least not now. Maybe I should add that to my routine soon.

What do I do there? I run, I cycle, I do the machines, and I lift light weights with more repetitions. If you want to gain muscles, go for heavier weights. If you just want toned up arms, lighter weights with more reps shall do the trick.

I start with cardio. I run for about 20-35 minutes while watching cartoons on the screen.

Then I cycle for 20-45minutes on my favourite machine ever. The bike! I have a bike there that I call my own. It's nicely placed in that gym and I only cycle on that particular one. Picky kan? The best thing about this machine is it burns a lot of calories in a minute (way more than running) and it's got over 50 channels for me to watch. Well, at least the ones in this gym has. Last Tuesday, I was so into this People's Court show (a reality court case show). Right after the 30 minute show, I burned almost 300 calories with slow cycles.  That's just cycling. You run, you lift weights, you do squats, you do machines, you can burn more than 500 calories under 1 hour if you're consistent. I'm never consistent so it took me about 2 hours plus to get to that level. Especially when People's Court is on! I can't focus haha.

Another machine that I often use: the hip abductor. I read that this machine can sometimes be dangerous to your muscles: "Muscle isolation is dangerous because it causes undue stress on the joint involved in the exercise. Our bodies and muscles are designed to work in a synergistic way, not in isolated blocks." I should read more into this.

Live healthier

For me, each gym session would normally take 1 to 1.5 hours, 2 or 3 times a week. Except when there's People's Court I could stay for another hour lol. I do different types of workouts at home. You'd be surprised by the things you could use at home to replace exercise equipment. I love Jillian Michael's workouts and sometimes I just go on Youtube to change things up a little bit.

I eat big after each session. Preferably within 45 minutes (maybe up to 60) after working out. This period, known as the golden hour, is when the muscles absorb the most nutrients! I don't have the healthiest diet but I try not to eat too much oily food. I got rid of my junk food habit about more than a year ago. No carbonated drinks and avoid fast food. But it's not like I don't eat fast food at all. Once in a while, I call the pizza delivery, buy a box of deep fried wedges, bake cakes. Moderation is the key.

But it's easier here. You buy your own groceries, you get to pick what you want. Whether it's gluten-free or soy-based or organic or whatever. The cost of living is expensive so we avoid eating out to save up. You cook, you eat your own food, that's the best option. Coconut milk and red meat are my enemies now, sadly. They give me this terrible headache. It's my high cholesterol level that I need to fix before it gets worse. So I use full cream milk instead.

I 'inherited' this lifestyle from a friend and I think I just got used to it. It's really not that hard as I thought it would be. I mean, 2 or 3 times a week, 1 to 1.5 hours per session, that's not bad right? It's still hard to say no to a bag of chocolate chip cookies but it's all in the head!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I time traveled

I've been trying to convince everybody that God had speed up the clock by 2 hours this morning. Nobody believes me! Why?

So here's the story.

I was supposed to sit for a quiz this morning at 8.30 AM. So I had my alarm fixed at 6.45 AM the night before. After the alarm went off, I pressed "off". Then, I looked at the time, it was 6.46 am. I figured, "ok lah nasib baik baru 6.46 am. Nak browse Twitter kejaplah for 5 minutes then I can terus bangun before subuh habis." I opened the twitter app on my blackberry. I browsed the timeline, I replied a friend's tweet and browsed the timeline again. Just when I was about to lay my phone down and rise from my bed, it was already 8 freaking 24 AM. I swear people, I time traveled.

No, I did not fall back asleep after the alarm went off. I LOOKED at the time it was 6.46 AM. For goodness sake, I browsed twitter siap reply tweet lagi. Siap plan, ok lepas tu boleh breakfast before pergi sekolah. And then Boom! It was 8.24 AM. Explain that! Firasat saya mengatakan, something bad was bound to happen betwen 6.46 to 8.24 AM so God had speed up the clock to save me! LOL. I know it sounds ridonkulous but I'm not joking! I really, really, really time traveled.

Ok sambung.

Shocked, I thought "Day-light saving mode dah start ke?!" (time during which clocks are set one hour ahead of local standard time; usually in November). Still in denial, I turned on my trusty laptop just to look at the time. It was indeed 8.24 AM. "Weh! Weh! Wehhhh!" Terjerit-jerit I. I called the cab, brushed my teeth, reached for my pair of jeans, pulled out my sweater and off to school. Then the professor decided to postpone the quiz. What! Thanks a lot lah. I didn't get the chance to look at myself in the mirror as I had another class entailing the first one and I was so drawn into what happened this morning. I realized then, after 3 hours, that my hair was defying gravity all the while. Great.

TRUE STORY, BRO. I should be on the Ellen show or something.

Young & foolish

How was your high school years? Was it nice? Did you do a lot of sports? Were you the teacher's pet? I know I had a great time. Never been bullied. Privileged. Active. Ever gotten into any big trouble? Did stupid things that you regret? Hey I was once a high schooler too. I've had piercings in weird places (stop, nope, I did not pierce there). I took out all of them, except for ear piercings . What a kid I was! Someone once asked me, kenapa you still keep 'that'? I couldn't remember what I answered. But if the question comes about one more time, I would say to remind myself that I was once young and foolish.

Not that the ____ itself is foolish. It's more of a retrospective thing. It was in the era of foolishness. Do you have anything that you own to remind you of your young self or is it just me? I keep it because I wanna see how far I've grown up. I guess when I'm finally 'all grown up', I'll get rid of it.

p/s: I know I did a lot of flashbacks recently. A self-introspection requires a lot of flashbacks.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Snowflakes on my pillow

I feel the need to advertise this life-changing product. I've been combatting flaky scalp since high school (NO, I do not want to call it dandruff problem because mine is majestic like snowflakes lol). I've tried all sorts of shampoo, from the lowest end like RM3.90 Rejoice to high end products like L'occitane, those shampoos with guys name, and weird Japanese brands that cost a fortune but none of them worked. There is this one time when I really wanted to shave my head, I kid you not. I didn't do it obviously because then it would emphasize the manly look that I naturally have.

I finally found the cure to my problem . . . at Walmart! (Ha... who doesn't love Walmart)

It's a Head & Shoulders shampoo, with Clinical Strength written on it. It says on the label that the shampoo is to treat seborrheic dermatitis, whatever that is. I'm guessing it's some bad ass itchy scalp condition. I only understood "clinical strength" so I thought. . . Hmm, it's like going to the clinic, but you pay the Walmart price. Smart! Hehe. But this saved me from shaving my head, so thank you. I no longer have itchy scalp. But I still have a bad habit of scratching my head even if it's not itchy. The snowflakes on my pillow and shoulders have stopped too. I'm amazed, really. Like, how often do you go into a store, and buy a shampoo that actually does what it says it's gonna do? "No more split ends after the first wash, natural bouncy curls, sleek straight hair, all-day smelling good." No, na'ah.

It also comes with a conditioner that works superbly well together. Please, CEO of Head & Shoulders, please sell this in Malaysia.

Active Ingredient: Selenium Sulfide (1%)


I was reading this one article yesterday that was sent to me by a fellow friend. Below is my favourite quote from the author. It goes,
"Like a glass vase that you place on the edge of a table, once broken, the pieces never quite fit again. But the problem wasn’t with the vase. Or even that the vases kept breaking. The problem was that I kept putting them on the edge of tables . . . But the [things that] broke me were not to blame any more than gravity can be blamed for breaking the vase. We can’t blame the laws of physics when a twig snaps because we leaned on it for support. The twig was never created to carry us."
- Yasmin Mogahed 

It's not super straight forward, but at the same time it's not rocket science either. So I'm sure you can relate it to yourself. Anyway, the context that Mogahed was referring to was her younger self who was repeatedly being disappointed by all the things around her, and later discovered that the sole reason was that she was too attached to dunya (the temporal world).

Interesting, don't you think?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Back in F-town again after a long summer

Freddy town is same ol' same ol' if you ask me! But, there's a but! H & M is opening soon at the mall and when D and I paid a visit there last week, the store renovation is taking a whole row. It's gonna be massive! I know that H & M Kuala Lumpur is opening soon, or September 22 to be exact. But please don't compare it with F-town! The first Apple store in town just opened last 2 weeks, for goodness' sakes. Well, it's just an Apple premium reseller but it's good enough. Now, I can just go to the brick-and-mortar store if I need anything for my Macbook or iPhone (or ... my first generation iPod touch that doesn't seem to work anymore lol) rather than having to order online.

Speaking of which, what do you guys think of the new iPhone 5? Well, if external qualities are your main focus, you might fall in the indifference category. It's slimmer and longer but relatively speaking, it looks just about the same as the previous model. But I didn't have high hopes for the external design as Apple always keeps its product design sleek, simple and clean. Never out-of-the-world fancy. I look at both externally and internally but really what's on the inside matters the most (aww). Canada's pre-order starts today, 14th of September 2012 through Apple's website. I keep refreshing the website but dia tengah 'updating the store' saja dari tadi. That's good news tho. I have my visa ready already. Excited! Incase you're wondering, I sold my iPhone 4S already before I left Malaysia. Yes, just to get the 5. Boom. My life's boring here so please let me be in my own world and leave me and my techs alone. Haha-haa-ha.

School. What about school. It's okay I guess. I try not to fall asleep after subuh on Tuesdays and Thursday because my favourite course of the semester, Mathematical Econs is at 8.30 AM. I am not a morning person, so believe it or not this is my first 8.30 AM class since I started University. I slapped on extra concealer to hide my haggard looking eyes only to get "Hey Nada, you look very tired today". Ha.