Thursday, August 11, 2011

Grocery list

Mom and me are going out to Giant later. "Bibik, barang apa perlu dibeli?" asked Mom. "Sudah buat list" replied Bibik. Amboi. She's ever ready. Here's a funny story. About 2 years ago, when she made a grocery list, it was no ordinary list:

1. Menggi (Maggie)
2. Pingat batte (Peanut butter)
3. Febris (Febreze)

. . . And today's list:

1. Tepung gamdum.
2. Obat moop.
3. Sefan keras hijau. (Green sponge)

Hihi. Cute.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday ramble

The violet sky is signifying iftar is gonna knock the door soon. Mommy is still contemplating whether to make noodles or rice with lauk. I prefer the former one. Been eating too much rice (too frequent and too much in amount) these days. Explains how I gained a few pounds since I got back. Tahniah, Nada.

I am not completely sure why I am writing this. But I just feel like writing today.

I'll be throwing a surprise dinner tomorrow night. This one is a little special. I don't know how many surprises and birthdays have I thrown (with the help of friends) just this 1.5 months. I guess I am much of an event planner rather than a businesswoman-to-be. Maybe that should be my part time job, you know, just to get some extra moolah.

It is now 7:06 pm. Gotta run some errands tonight. Subang I go, to meet D and a couple of friends. We. need. to. discuss.

I feel mentally tired. It seems that my mind is perpetually plotting, thinking, calculating, memorizing. Boleh jadi gila macam ini. I also think it is healthy to turn off my blackberry once in a while. K thinks I am constantly in a middle of something when I'm with him. He doesn't know that I am just like that, even at home. I guess I just need to take a chill pill, sit back and watch Nat Geo.

I'd like to rearrange the furnitures in this room someday. Prolly I should paint the walls too. To make things a little interesting, I'd like to get a very bright vanity desk juxtaposed starkly with the warm toned walls and furnitures. Yes, I'd like that.

Salam ramadhan al mubarak.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wrapping up July

Let's talk about July. I don't even know where to start. July was a very hectic month for me. In a month, I've been to about 5 birthday parties, two islands, went abroad (Singapore je), volunteered for Relay For Life, had a slumber get-together, watched Malaysia vs Singapore (didn't watch Malaysia vs Liverpool as I sold the tickets away) and what more. I don't even remember! I've gone dark caramel sebab berjemur dekat pulau lah, dekat padang UKM lah. But the highlight of the month is the Redang trip. I get to snorkel with the sharks and grotesque looking sea creatures. The Universal Studios Singapore was awesome!

Watched so many movies this month. KL Gangster was good, I've always had this weird liking for rempit-ish or samseng-ish boys. Harry Potter was . . . not up to my expectation. Mr. Popper's Penguins was okay. Kung Fu Panda 2 was hands down hilarious! The Hangover 2 was funny too, but the prequel was way funnier.  Rise of The Planet of the Apes was not bad either but I missed a few scenes cuz K* had some digestive problem whilst watching the movie. I'm sure I've watched more than these but I forgot.

So far, it is an amazing summer break. Can't wait for Aidilfitri! Balik kampung dekat Johor Bharu.
