I've been trying to convince everybody that God had speed up the clock by 2 hours this morning. Nobody believes me! Why?
So here's the story.
I was supposed to sit for a quiz this morning at 8.30 AM. So I had my alarm fixed at 6.45 AM the night before. After the alarm went off, I pressed "off". Then, I looked at the time, it was 6.46 am. I figured, "ok lah nasib baik baru 6.46 am. Nak browse Twitter kejaplah for 5 minutes then I can terus bangun before subuh habis." I opened the twitter app on my blackberry. I browsed the timeline, I replied a friend's tweet and browsed the timeline again. Just when I was about to lay my phone down and rise from my bed, it was already 8 freaking 24 AM. I swear people, I time traveled.
No, I did not fall back asleep after the alarm went off. I LOOKED at the time it was 6.46 AM. For goodness sake, I browsed twitter siap reply tweet lagi. Siap plan, ok lepas tu boleh breakfast before pergi sekolah. And then Boom! It was 8.24 AM. Explain that! Firasat saya mengatakan, something bad was bound to happen betwen 6.46 to 8.24 AM so God had speed up the clock to save me! LOL. I know it sounds ridonkulous but I'm not joking! I really, really, really time traveled.
Ok sambung.
Shocked, I thought "Day-light saving mode dah start ke?!" (time during which clocks are set one hour ahead of local standard time; usually in November). Still in denial, I turned on my trusty laptop just to look at the time. It was indeed 8.24 AM. "Weh! Weh! Wehhhh!" Terjerit-jerit I. I called the cab, brushed my teeth, reached for my pair of jeans, pulled out my sweater and off to school. Then the professor decided to postpone the quiz. What! Thanks a lot lah. I didn't get the chance to look at myself in the mirror as I had another class entailing the first one and I was so drawn into what happened this morning. I realized then, after 3 hours, that my hair was defying gravity all the while. Great.
TRUE STORY, BRO. I should be on the Ellen show or something.
Wow, can't imagine if THAT happens to ME :O So epic!
you believe me right? yeay! when it happens to you you'd be like damn this ISSS epic lol.
Yes of course I believe you! I just had to read this post thrice because it's too epic haha
Can I have your magic wand? I need to time travel back to when I was born.
nooooo nevurrrrrr.
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