Thursday, September 20, 2012

Young & foolish

How was your high school years? Was it nice? Did you do a lot of sports? Were you the teacher's pet? I know I had a great time. Never been bullied. Privileged. Active. Ever gotten into any big trouble? Did stupid things that you regret? Hey I was once a high schooler too. I've had piercings in weird places (stop, nope, I did not pierce there). I took out all of them, except for ear piercings . What a kid I was! Someone once asked me, kenapa you still keep 'that'? I couldn't remember what I answered. But if the question comes about one more time, I would say to remind myself that I was once young and foolish.

Not that the ____ itself is foolish. It's more of a retrospective thing. It was in the era of foolishness. Do you have anything that you own to remind you of your young self or is it just me? I keep it because I wanna see how far I've grown up. I guess when I'm finally 'all grown up', I'll get rid of it.

p/s: I know I did a lot of flashbacks recently. A self-introspection requires a lot of flashbacks.

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