Saturday, October 22, 2011

Menu orang bujang malas: Pizza 10 minit

I tengah tunggu daging kurma I empuk ni. Belakang I tadi ada majikan rumah (lol betul ke ayat ni? land lord) tengah repair peti sejuk. Masa tu baru nak menumis bawang putih and bawang merah. Masa tu dah fikir, beliau ni boleh ke tahan bau? 

N: Ya know, this is gonna smell a little bit.
X: Oh that's fine. I can take it. What's in it?
N: Just garlic and shallots.
X: Ah, I can smell the garlic.

Selamber jelah kan. Pom pang pom pang, taruk pulak serbuk kurma. Dia dah mula batuk sekali dua. Lepastu bunyi hidung dia srot sret srot sret. Then dia batuk lagi.

N: Is it bothering you?
X: Nope!

(2 minutes after)

X: *COUGH COUGH COUGH* I'm gonna get some stuff from the car.

(Gone for 10 minutes)


Any college students here? Anyone living at by themselves and too lazy to cook yet they're tired of eating canned food or take outs? That's me back in college. Then dad bought me a portable electric stove. Then I started making simple meals like fried rice, scrambled eggs, french toast and etc. That was the start. :-O Yeap, I only start cooking by the age of 19. And they're not even proper meals! Dah masuk first year dekat University of Alberta sana baru belajar masak nasi. Horhorhor!

Anyways, I don't know why but Saturday is like Kitchen Day to me. I have been in this kitchen since 2pm today and it's 5.08 now. I'm gonna make red velvet cupcakes again today. I made them last Saturday but they end up tasting like chocolate cupcakes. But they're pretty tasty tho, cuma I wanted red velvet not some boring ol' choc cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I have the pictures, I'll post it tomorrow.

I had three midterm papers in two days (Thurs and Fri) so stayed up all night up til the time of the exam. Yesterday, I was awake for 25 hours then I dozed off at 10pm after watching "Bini-Biniku Gangster". Cute story!

I was too exhausted to cook and all my housemates pun busy dengan paper masing-masing. Semua tak masak. So I decided to make mini pizzas, which I named it Pizza Saploh Minit. Yes, saploh not sepuluh. Cuz I'm that cool.

Try to use fresh ingredients. They taste better :)

Start by pre-heating the oven to 175 C.
You can also use the microwave. I assume you have either one, if not tak dapet lah den nak nolong ye.

Basic ingredients: pita bread, pizza sauce, shredded cheese (I used mozzarella and skimmed cheddar), hotdogs, green pepper, mushroom, and diced tomatoes.

Before topping it off with shredded cheese

Add mozzarella and skimmed cheddar. Or, just cut your regular cheese into smaller pieces and tabur aje. You can add a dash of black pepper to top it off if you prefer. I forgot to.

Let it brown in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes.

You can add pineapple and sliced olives if you wanna add a twist of sweetness. I personally am not fond of having pineapple and especially olives on my pizza. Lagipun, this is after all menu orang bujang yang nak cepat aje. Bila masa lah pula kita nak beli olive ni? I memang selalu ada sayur and hotdog dalam peti sejuk. Sos pizza and roti pita tu jelah kena beli dekat convenience store.

You of course can add as many ingredients as you want to, but the name says it all: menu orang bujang malas. Kalau nak lagi malas, makan roti pita tu jelah.


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