Sunday, October 2, 2011

GM experience

As I'm typing my house is literally shaking. Upstairs 3rd floor where the loft is, my landlord is trying to install the air conditioner. I guess they need to dig a hole through the wall first? The room up there is so frikken hot an air cond is a must. As for the rest of the rooms in this house, we have windows big enough to air around. We have no heat problem. So. . . no air cond for us sobs sobs.

I've always liked green tea but I used to only drink it when I'm at a sushi or any Japanese restaurant. They asked me why do I like green tea? It tastes bitter, and almost like plain water. Me myself never understood why, I just like the feeling of having warm green tea down the throat. Me and D started drinking green tea with honey on a daily basis (well...sometimes we forgot) months ago just because that's about the only healthy thing we consume. The results are evident but I want something different this time.

My Green Monster, looking nasty but tastes wonderful

As promised, I said I'd give it a try. Surprisingly, it tasted nothing like a baby's throw up. You can barely taste the spinach at all. I tried to vary my GM concoction such as adding lemon juice, oat and wheat. Lemon juice is a no no, unless you wanna add bitter taste vege like kale (the green cabbage you use in salads). The juice will cut down the bitterness of the kale. As for me, I find the simplest and best concoction is:

1 to 2 handfuls of spinach
1 banana
half cup wheat or oat
1/2 or 1 cup milk or soy milk (depends on the consistency you desire)
Honey (optional)

Other common ingredients are cucumber, carrots, kale, berries, and yogurt too. Add more to get more vitamins and happiness! Lol.

It's anti-ageing, detoxifying (poopie!) and energizing. It increases body defence against diseases, smoothes and clears out skin, improves hair and improves digestion. And trust me, I need all of these.

Spinach is an excellent source of bone-healthy vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, and calcium; heart-healthy folate, potassium, and vitamin B6; energy-producing iron and vitamin B2; and free radical-scavenging vitamin A (through its concentration of beta-carotene) and vitamin C.

Too much info, just give it a try. I'm sure you'll love it too.

Oh, I still drink green tea with honey cuz it's still just too good.


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