Monday, February 7, 2011

Day Ten: One confession

I have so many confessions I can't even pick one. But I'm not gonna risk confessing something big since it's JUST a tag.

Here it goes.

I am the worst speller of all time. And I ain't even trying to fish you for "aww Nada mana ada, you pandai je eja". Truth is, I can't live without spell checks and Google. I'm comfortable speaking, but when it comes to hand written essays or anything hand written in general, I'd die. I am the worst 20-year-old-with-education speller for both Malay and English.

When I was in standard 3, my classmates laughed at me during a spelling session. I didn't know how to spell "thousand". Instead, I wrongly spelt it as "thasand". I remember that day very clearly. "Haha cikgu! Nada tak reti eja thousand. Dia eja tarzan kot"

Ouch. FML.

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