My Management Science lecturer has the thickest Indian accent. And he ends each of his questions with "nah?" macam orang Melaka.
"You have to try and make an effort to get an A, nah?"
And he never sees us raising our hands. Uh, that's because he never opens his eyes when teaching! How could that be possible? When he distributes sheets, he always misses the back row like the people back there are non existent. And we have only 2 rows in that class -_________-" He's old, I get it.
My Philosophy lecturer is worse. The weirdest man ever. He likes to immitate Gollum from Lord of The Rings.
He keeps on doing that voice and doing that . . . that . . . weird body movement. And that "My precious . . ." line over and over again. Whaaaaaat?
But I enjoy his lectures. Didn't know philosophy is actually interesting ;-)
My favourite prof would be my Principles of Marketing prof. His name is Reginald and initially I thought this person would be a she. Turns out this man looks like a lieutenant colonel. He sounds like a spokesperson for live football in the 80's. I don't know how to describe it but once you hear him, you'll go "A'AH LAH!". What I like about him is he keeps everything short and simple. He comes in 10 minutes late and leaves 20 minutes early. He believes that an effective way of teaching is to be short and compact.
Omg, I baru teringat sesuatu. I promised something but I totally had forgotten all about it. Ah typical me ;) The the next post will be about my shopping spree during Boxing Day. I promise! (Pinky promise)
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