Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our last winter

I'll be graduating in May 2013, Insha Allah. Pray for my success!

It's my last winter. The fourth and the final. This was on day 1, Sunday. I was never really into snow, unlike the others. I never did any snow activities. Well, last year, I did sledding and snow shoeing. That's about it. I never made snowmen. This season, I think I should try skiing or snowboarding.

The weather: It stopped snowing but we're having freezing rain now. Final exams scheduled on Monday were cancelled due to that. Freezing rain means the ground is covered with ice - not just snow. It's really dangerous for pedestrians because the way UNB buildings are designed, they're located along the hill. So we have to be extra careful not to slip. I and D hold hands all the time :p I saw a car driving up the hill, struggling. The tyres were spinning fast but the car couldn't move up. I thought it was funny so I recorded a cinemagram gif of it - then the app crashed and I lost the video. Boohoo.

Still above -15 so that's good, for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jom snowboard masa ak dtg korg pnya msian nightttt :D

curi tullang time keje hihi- azira