Sunday, November 25, 2012

Less on the blog

I wouldn't say that I've got a lot going on right now. Because I don't. But it's pretty exciting. I finally get to be myself again, fully myself - after realizing that I wasn't feeling too much like me the last time. The reason is simple - things were just wrong in so many ways.

Now that I feel freer and more content, you can see why I don't blog that often. Plus, it's my final year, yo! I can't be on these social network sites all the time. Then lambat laun, I pretty much grew out of it already. I almost deleted my Facebook account because... what is it for again lol. But I have a 'family only' group that keeps me updated with my family and extended. So there you go, a reason to still keep Facebook. I still love Twitter though. It's my daily newspaper. Tumblr tu dah berhabuk rasanya. Blogger... still here. What else... can't even recall.
And as always, about school:
Final exam starts next week! Gila oi rasa macam baru semalam landing sini. One more semester afterwards then I'll be on my way to different places. I've so many plans and I don't think I can do it all, duh. Some plans are just undoable. Sigh!
Me and my friends (a group of 13 students) are joining Relay For Life Canada early next year. Another RFL woohoo!

The end

1 comment:

Ahmad Tongkeng said...

Aww cmon. This isn't social networking. This is a platform for brilliant writers like you. We need more Nada, haha