Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to Canada

I apologize for the hiatus. My holidays are over but I like to declare my own prolonged holidays. Let's add another 3 days shall we?

We crossed the US/Canada border yesterday, experiencing a full white view of the land and snow storm as anticipated. It was about positive 10 degrees or so when we left New York City. Once we set foot on the white grounds of Toronto, it was minus 25 degrees. That's a 35 degrees change. I was wearing a thin layer of tank top, a thin wind breaker, a coat and only leggings. I now am so thankful for the extra layer of fat I had put on these couple of months.

Welcome back to Canada. I don't quite like it.

Oh, Happy New Year!
Central Park



ffh said...

go go go!

Sabrina Jasman said...

babe! upload more pictures in NYC! would love to see NYC! :D im dying to go there. one day, i hope :D

The morning dew said...

I will, just wait =)
oh you will, just ask mr.huzir to bring you hihi