Monday, December 12, 2011

Powerful women stick together

They say that you only know a small portion of yourself. The rest is up to the outsiders. How much is this portion of yourself that you think you know?

I can list a few to describe myself. I have gotten to know myself better through comments from people who are very close to me:

Negative qualities
1. Extremely indecisive/fickle minded
2. Hot tempered
3. Cranky
4. Unapproachable-looking
5. Defensive
6. Stubborn
7. In denial, etc

Positive qualities
1. I forgive easily
2. They say I have good taste in food
3. Easy going
4. Open minded

I can list more but that would be time wasting. I realize that I am built up mostly with negative characteristics. Does that bring me down? Nay. I know I'm not all saint nor credible enough to become an example, but I know for a fact that bad characteristics doesn't mean you're a bad person.

Chin up, look at the bright side. With all that defensiveness, stubbornness, madness, over competitiveness, who knows one day, all these traits might help you battling against a rival in trying to acquire a million dollar project?

The key is to use your negative traits wisely by channeling them toward a positive outcome. And that, is a sad news about me. I always fail to do so. Nevertheless, I still like to think of myself as a powerful woman with all the qualities I have. I just need to learn that being powerful does not imply the right to oppress.



Ahmad Tongkeng said...

it's not everyday that i come across something worth reading


balik dulu. bye bye

The morning dew said...

I'm surprised someone actually appreciates my midnight rambles. Haha terima kasih tongkeng.

Ahmad Tongkeng said...

No lah, most blogs have either personal scrapings of how fat they are or how they hate UMNO.

This one has the same effect of walking through chilly winter breeze with scents of summer sunflowers.

Like watching To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything.

eh okay, bye lah

The morning dew said...

Perfect timing. I'm gonna watch that. p/s: trust me, you will encounter a lot of personal scrapings here :)

Ahmad Tongkeng said...

eh iyelah

got lots here

oh but i haven't found the entry where you have to mention how you can't fit into your skinny pants anymore..

scroll scroll scroll