Note: Contains spoiler!
On Wednesday me, Aqwim, D and Billy went to see the premier of Chloe at Mid Valley. Thanks Billy for the premier seats, I belanja you teh o ais nanti. In my opinion, the movie is like Obsessed but 5x worse haha. Kitorang dahlah masuk lambat 30 minutes, baru duduk sejam dah zzzzzzzz. Pelakon dia sudah cukup hebat: Amanda Seyfried yang awesome belaka tu. In the story ni, dia jadi high class whore lah kot. To me she's just a psycho, fullstop. The ending is so simple and disappointing! She died. Tu je.
Sebelum movie tu, a friend of ours, Ajim ajak lepak. Tapi lupa nak reply. Keluar je pintu movie, Ajim was exactly beside us queueing for movie tickets. Kantoi disitu hahahaha! He showed us his middle finger. Awwwh, sorry Ajim!
After the movie, we went for a late night supper at Station 21, Bangsar Food Court. I've blogged about the place dulu. My ex introduced me to this place so thank you A ;D They serve really nice steaks. This one is the mushroom sauce steak, medium-well. Just the way I like it.

Was a good day. D tak habis-habis dengan jerit sebab geli kucing liar. Aqwim tossling her hair every 5 minutes. Billy with lame jokes, as always. Me, having a good late supper.
u shud watch chloe unrated on dvd. LAGI TERUK. movie tu freaky nak mampus. tak tahan.
Really? Omg i tgk yg rated tu pun dah geli
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