Since Tintang Oren (my ex cat) left us, we never had a replacement. We found a bunch of abandoned kittens at my sister's school. Dem you people. Abandoning innocent new born kittens. Tak pergi sekolah ke. These babies need their mother sebab nak menetek. Tau menetek tu apa? Pergi wikipedia. Shame on you for doing this. Nak buang pun, buang lah dengan mak dia sekali and letak dekat restaurant ke. Helo ever heard of SPCA? So we took one because we couldn't take all of them. Nanti semua mati because kucing umur ni susah feeding dia. Extra attention kena kasi but none of us can give the commitment because everyone is busy with school, work and whatnot. At least I saved one.
She's here sleeping in the basket, complete with a comfy pillow and a small towel to keep her warm. Tak main sangkar okey. Aduh ni kang dia kencing, esok letak sangkar sudah. But it's okay. Today, you sleep with me lovely one.

Atototototototo omey nyee awak ni!

My new found love. I'll take care of you.
p/s: It's so fluffaaayyy I'm gonna die !! - Agnes from Despicable Me