Hoh, I have been so quiet these past few days! I could not access the web since TMnet failed again and again to come to my place and set streamyx. But luckily my neighbour is clever enough to not password-protect his Wi Fi. So here I am enjoying free high speed Wi Fi. It's like surfing the web at Starbucks except you get to roll over on your bed.

Speaking of beds, mine looks nothing like one. Let me explain. I have spent my entire life in KL. Tak pernah pindah rumah. May 2010, we moved to Kota Damansara. There are boxes everywhere and everything is a mess. Namapun pindah. So, tadda! Bilikku syurgaku. Ada katil sebijik, gobok (almari) sebijik, disco ball sebijik. Tu je. -__-

Will be filling up the closet soon.

Emira, Virginie, Me wearing Iron Man helmet, Meen, Amy, for New Strait Times Sports Carnival 2010.
Believe it or not, my luggages were still with me when I was called to perform for New Strait Times. Bunyi macam perform like a pro lah kan. Macam buat tumbling 3 round macam lambung tinggi bagai. Padahal terkinja-kinja gila. Belum sempat balik rumah lagi time ni. My friends who are still active in performing for events needed one more person or the show is off. So I decided to help out (or more like mess out). Honestly, I am tua bangka already. Macam nak osteoporosis dah ni. But slumber sudey. Bukan tak dapat duit.

Dengan kuasa bulan, bertukar !! Sailor Jupiter !!
Oh, I remember something. I should be revealing something as stated in the previous post. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't. LOL. But I do have something else to tell. I have been in Malaysia for quite some time actually. Maybe since 16th or 17th or 9th or 11th.
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