Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Next up: MCN 2013

One of the activities that takes up most of my time apart from school:

University of New Brunswick Malaysian Students Society (MSS) proudly presents Malaysian Cultural Night 2013.

There will be performances such as zapin, silat, tarian cina, joget kurik kundi and dikir barat. I will be performing for both kurik kundi and dikir. Fun! Meals range from sweet and savoury deserts to scrumptious nasi berlauk. I am given the trust to become head of decoration for this year's MCN so I hope everyone will enjoy the exhibition setup and the kampong ambience that I wish to recreate. 

11 days left.

Of Time

Time - the most valuable. It teaches us that in time everything will make perfect sense. Of why events are coordinated the way they are. In time you will realize that what is there today, may not be there tomorrow. You'd wish you can turn back time, but time is powerful and it has no mercy. Yet we still continue to take everything, especially those that matter to us, for granted.

Take some time to realize what you have for it will not always be there the next time. A friendly reminder for myself and my readers. inshaAllah.