Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ice skating tak kesampaian

Sampai-sampai je, rental for the shoes dah tutup. We shall come next Saturday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fun Facts #1: RSVP

Every time you throw an event, you send out SMSs or Facebook invitations saying "RSVP please" or at least something like that. RSVP is French for Repondez-vous s'il vous plaît which literally means "Please respond". So when you say "RSVP please", you are really saying"Please respond, please". Desperate? Lol.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weekend Aftermath

Friday, me and D had a small barbeque at the boys'

Winter is too cold. So we did the grilling inside the house. Yeah, imagine the smoke.

Saturday and Sunday, I went to City Centre and West Edmonton Mall to get new pair of heels and a Cheongsam for the Chinese New Year dinner. Apparently, I just own 1 pair of boots, the other two are useless. I have a pair of colourful Reebok sneakers and a pair of Bata Kasut Pengawas (for departure, I had to dress formally).

Went for a karaoke session after the CNY dinner. Everyone, smile!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Saw a ghost today

Tiring but it is indeed a productive day!
It's Monday. I finished all my assignments and all my homework by 4pm today. Cool gegila.
At 5pm, I went to French class.

XXX: Hey. Is there a quiz today?
Nada: No :)))
Anita: Yes.
Nada: There is? Shit.
XXX: Oh shit, I didn't know. Bye, I'm skipping class!
Anita: I've never seen her before.
Nada: Me too.

XXX is so mysterious. We have only like 20 people in the class, we've never seen her before. I think she's a perturbed spirit. Be gone, evil spirit, be gone! Ooopa oooopa Hush Hush onomomnom *mantera*

N: What are you writing? Is there any homework?
A: Yeahh, did you forget? Here *shows her blackberry*:

1. Décrivez votre partenaire idéal(e). 2. Utilisez des adjectifs variables. 3. Exercices sur Quia

Nada: Lahhh. *buat-buat faham*

It turns out today is Quiz Day and Homework Pass-in Day. And I neither studied for the quiz nor did the homework. Such a sad story, but atleast I saw a ghost.

Whatever. I'm gonna watch Grammy Awards now. Did you guys see how Beyonce did the pusing kaplaaa thing?
If you missed it, here's a link: